5 Healthy Habits I Live By

In the New Year, many people are looking to make huge changes, but sometimes small habit changes are what we really need. Many times, one small new habit can be the catalyst for larger lifestyle changes. I’m a big believer in making sustainable New Year’s resolutions so you don’t get discouraged trying to reach unrealistic goals. Here are 5 simple, healthy habits you can try to add to your daily routine to help kickstart your health journey in 2022!

Workout 5 Days A Week

I like to schedule morning workouts for 5 days a week. During especially busy seasons in life, whether it be a holiday season, or just a busy personal season like IVF or back to school, etc – I love having a QUICK and efficient workout that I can simply show up for and push play on. That’s what this workout is that I’m doing right now – it’s 20 minutes a day! I log in to my app, click on my program & it tells me exactly what workout to do & my trainer tells me everything I need to do to get in and out!

If you need the motivation to work out, I’d love to help! Click here to learn more about my virtual fitness community.

Wake Up Before My House

Waking up early has always been a very special part of my life. I’ve grown so much, being able to fit in the things of running a business WHILE prioritizing family BECAUSE of this early morning routine. These habits keep me sane because I have quiet downtime. It keeps me grounded because I have the space and time to read my Bible, journal, and pray. It keeps me organized because I have a second to review the TO-DO list for the day and prioritize things ahead of time. It keeps me healthy because I’m getting my workout in before all the distractions come at me. And it keeps me satisfied! There is a small fulfillment I get when I am up early to start my day and get these personal priorities started – I’m proud of myself, and in a way – that makes me a better mom + wife for my family.

Eat More Veggies

My meal plan and nutrition do not have to be 100% perfect – that’s just not how I live. But, I am very aware of the things I am eating. I don’t feel guilt or shame for indulging but I hold myself accountable for eating healthy things! I buy fresh fruits and veggies every single week, wash them, and keep them at eye level in the fridge. I always add more veggies in when I feel I’ve been slacking. Sometimes that means spinach with breakfast or frozen cauliflower in my shake for an extra boost! [don’t knock it!] Here are a few salads that I actually LOVE — if you know me, you know I am NOT a salad fan so I promise these are GOOD.

Always Look For HEALTHIER Alternatives

If I’m finding myself craving a special treat often, I try to find a healthier alternative to that same treat. Some swaps I like are HALO ice cream, or apple nachos, or superfood fro-whoas, Olipop, or even Smart Sweets Candy.

Moms, TRY to get ready for bed at the same time as your kids!

If you can sneak in the shower while your older kids are in the tub, do it! Showering at the same time as the kids is a game-changer. Getting into jammies at the same time is SO helpful because you’ll create so much time for you to RELAX, UNWIND, and spend time with your spouse right after your kids go to bed WHILE ALSO getting in bed early enough so you can get up early the next day. This is also my best tip for being consistent with nighttime skincare routines. Getting into jammies early also keeps me from endless snacking later at night too! Something about getting my MIND ready to unwind EARLY ON is extremely helpful & relaxing!

I hope one of these healthy habits resonates with you and feels simple enough to add to your routine! Leave some of your favorite healthy habits below for extra inspo!

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