Tips For Surviving the Two Week Wait (TWW)

The dreaded Two Week Wait (TWW). I’ve done this twice now.

The time period between your embryo transfer and the blood draw to confirm or rule out a pregnancy. The waiting period was coined the “two week wait” or TWW, because clinics used to wait about two weeks before bringing you in to do your post transfer bloodwork.

[ I detailed my first round of IVF here and second-round here if you want to learn more. ]

It seems these days, it’s more common to go in 9 or 10 days after your transfer for bloodwork.

Looking back on my two experiences through this waiting period – both times, not so much fun.

In 2016, I did it solo.

My husband was out of town before my embryo transfer and was gone the entire two week wait. We lived in a different state – away from family and close friends.

Now, I’m doing it with a husband home everyday, a toddler, and friends and family nearby.

I’m finding there are pro’s and cons to both.

From my perspective – in 2016 when I did this solo, it was VERY EASY to control my environment.

A LOW STRESS environment was super simple.

I controlled the noise in my house.

The smells.

The mess.

The movie I picked. 🤪

But really, it was simple to maintain my routine, meditate, sleep in, adjust my work-from-home schedule, and not have to handle anyone else’s day-to-day problems or stressors.

This TWW, at home with my husband & toddler – it’s so much easier to stay distracted and busy. The time is flying by. And while there are other moods to handle 🤪 the support, the hugs, and the joy of being a mama fills my heart. It keeps me positive and focused beyond any inconvenience there may be in having the louder days or the messier schedules.

Whether you are doing this solo or with a bunch of people in your space : choose to see the good in where you are… you are where you’re meant to be.

Recommendations From My Clinic
  1. no sex
  2. normal/light activity
  3. no need for bed rest
  4. eat healthy / no special diet
  5. light exercise is ok [yoga, swimming, walks, light weight lifting]
  6. don’t pick up more than 25 lbs [this was just in the first couple days post transfer]
  7. continue meds as normal

* Please note these are my PERSONAL recommendations. Be sure to talk to your clinic to learn what works best for your body!

Recommendations From My Acupuncturist
  1. Eat Kidney YANG foods
  2. Continue daily meditation
  3. Maybe create a cuter name… guide, 14 days… etc// could we make this cutest somehow with maybe circle logos representing each tip? or something a little different if possible.
My Top Tips For THRIVING During The TWW
  1. Have something planned a few days a week [big or small] that you are looking forward to
  2. Have a girls’ night in with friends [create a fun charcuterie board together]
  3. Bake or cook something you’ve been wanting to try [I did cabbage soup & copycat Starbucks blueberry muffins] 
  4. Go to a movie or plan an epic movie night in with snacks [Smart Sweets snacks link with code for a healthier version]
  5. Get out in nature / swim in the ocean / walk on the beach/ light activity
  6. If you have children or nieces/nephews – plan a family event, nothing like seeing children happy & having fun [monster truck rally is what we did]
  7. Plan a fun date night [relax with your husband!]
  8. Plan a little day trip [beach day, family farm, museums]
  9. Meditate every single day [I use mindful IVF and Hatch Restore]
  10. Schedule in a light massage, body treatment, facial, acupuncture, pedicure, or something that really makes you feel cared for
  11. Consider journaling – getting thoughts and feelings down on paper is surprising helpful
  12. Have an organizing/cleaning day -tackling a home project will help you feel really productive + you can put any nervous energy towards something you’ll really appreciate
  13. Start a new TV series – look forward to watching a show to relax each night with your husband
  14. Create healthy boundaries with social media or google – just don’t drive yourself crazy with insane amounts of do’s and don’ts
Mindset Is Everything

You can stay busy and do fun things to ENJOY your life during the waiting process – but if you are anxious the entire time or fearful, it will consume you.

Sure, it’s normal to have feelings of anxiety or worry, even fear. But just work really hard NOT TO STAY THERE.

Save these affirmations – pick your favorites – and SAY THEM every day!


1 comment

  • Hi Brittany!

    I discovered your site at the beginning of my IVF journey and have been referring to it throughout as a means of support. I am having my first transfer on Tuesday and I am so thrilled. I feel confident that I’ll be able to keep myself distracted during the tww, but wanted your thoughts on something. I’ve seen on other blogs where people took a pregnancy test before they had the official blood test with the doctor. Did you do that or did you wait? I see pros and cons for it but was curious of your opinion. Thank you so much in advance!


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